Statement on the Violations and Deportations Affecting Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

We, at the Free Syrian Lawyers Association – FSLA, express our deep concern about the continued human rights violations and deportations affecting Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The situation has taken a disturbing turn, with increasing reports of forced deportations, violations, discrimination, and targeting of Syrian refugees in different regions of the country. Lebanon has generously […]

A Statement Regarding the Turkish Border Guards’ Attack on some Syrian Citizens

Every once in a while, Turkish Border Guards “Gendarmerie” attack Syrian civilians fleeing war zones in Syria by using lethal force, this has been repeated in dozens of incidents over the past years. Syrians who attempt to cross the borders entering the Turkish lands only search for a safe haven in Turkey, which they consider […]

How to Avoid Rumors at Times of Natural Disasters and Obtain Correct Information

Natural disasters are a fertile environment for spreading rumors that exacerbate the rapid response operations of rescue teams and increase panic among the public. Social media contributes to the exaggeration of the situation and spreading of misleading information, especially in times of disasters, thus increasing panic and fear among people which leads to the occurrence […]

Torturing Incrimination, A Bloody Law

Firstly, Summery of the Law’s Articles:   The articles of the Torturing Incrimination Law included the following:  1- Definition of the crime of torture and a number of punishments applied on the crime committers. The Decree was issued according to Syria’s constitutional obligations that prohibits torturing, and to Convention Against Torture which was ratified earlier […]