The Free Syrian Lawyers Association (FSLA) shares its reflections on the Sixth International Conference that took place on June 5th, 2023, in Damascus, primarily focusing on the return of Syrian refugees and displaced individuals. This yearly conference, coordinated by Syrian and Russian authorities since its inception, has not yielded any concrete outcomes nor has it gained substantial international recognition or participation.

Our prior human rights report titled, “The Return of Syrian Refugees to Damascus: Back to Hell, We Are Watching,” confirmed that these conferences are mere strategic manipulations of public opinion by the Syrian regime and Russia. Their aim is to obscure the true nature of the Syrian crisis and to disrupt the political process by disregarding the provisions of Security Council Resolution 2254 from 2015, while continuing to perpetrate gross human rights violations against returning and displaced refugees.

Our allegations were corroborated by the International Commission of Inquiry’s latest report No. A/HRC/52/69, covering the period from July to December 2022. It revealed the Syrian regime’s persistence in committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and executing unfair trials.

Despite these irrefutable facts, the Syrian regime continually calls for Syrians to return to their homeland, manipulating them with promises, threats, and incentives. The regime attempts to reclaim international legitimacy by enticing those Syrians initially displaced with the deceitful promise of reconstruction and safety, only to impose compliance and servitude on them later.

The FSLA believes that such dreams of international rehabilitation will not be realized without substantial systemic change. The recent statement of Volker Türk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, at a press conference held in Vienna, Austria, aligns with our position. He underscored the dire human rights situation in Syria and asserted that migrants cannot be forcibly sent back to these perilous conditions.

Based on these findings, we, the FSLA, reaffirm the following:

In conclusion, the conditions conducive to the safe return of refugees, as stipulated in international agreements, are not currently met. We caution that these conferences may set a dangerous precedent for anti-refugee sentiment and forced deportation in host countries.

Therefore, we urge the countries engaged with the Syrian dossier to implement Security Council Resolution No. 2254 from 2015 to facilitate a political transition. The solution in Syria must encompass an agreement on a constitution that represents all Syrians, respects and safeguards the freedom and dignity of the Syrian citizen, and nullifies all clauses that regulate the state’s executive authority, issued by the legislative and judicial authorities.”